Publications by Dr. Peter Nordland
Dr. Nordland's New Textbook
Our new textbook, Esthetics in Dentistry is finally out!!! Laura De Souza Barum DDS co-authored Chapter 37 on Periodontal Plastic Surgery with me. It sure took a long time to hit the bookshelves!
Special thanks to Laura, Dr. Ronald Goldstein and Dr. Ernesto Lee Dmd PCfor their perseverance. Thank you to Kathleen Hofmann Nordland for putting up with the long hours it took to put this project together. |
Restoration of Lost Interdental Papilla: A Surgical Technique
Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry September 2018 Abstract: Loss of interdental pailla due to trauma or inflammatory periodontal diseases presents significant esthetic-zone challenges to clinicians. Minuscule working spaces and limited blood supply to these areas render conventional surgical techniques somewhat unpredictable. The implementation of vertical releasing incisions can further jeopardize blood supply and leave unattractive scarring upon healing. This article discusses a surgical technique utilizing microscopes and microsurgical instruments to more effectively achieve esthetic results. Additionally, the article provides a brief overview on the development of periodontal plastic and reconstruction surgery and updated information to support previously published reports by this author.
Microsurgical Technique for Augmentation of the Interdental Papilla: Three Case Reports
International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry November/December 2008 | Volume 28, Issue 6 The loss of interdental papillae as the result of trauma or inflammatory periodontal disease creates a significant challenge in the esthetic zone. Conventional surgical techniques are unpredictable because of small working spaces and limited blood supply to the area. Vertical releasing incisions can further jeopardize vascular channels and leave unattractive scarring upon healing. The application of microscopes and microsurgical instruments presents a new frontier for predictable esthetic results. This paper describes a predictable microsurgical technique for reconstruction of the interdental papillae. (Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2008;28:543549.)
Interdental Papilla Reconstruction: Classification and Clinical Management
Canadian Journal of Restorative Dentistry & Prosthodontics Winter 2010 In this paper, Drs. Nordland and Sandhu discuss the factors affecting surgical reconstruction of the lost interdental papillae. (Dr. Sandhu is the professor of periodontics and director at the School of Medicine and Dentistry at The University of Western Ontario.)
A Conversation with Dr. Peter Nordland
Dental Practice Report | January/February 2002 (42-47) Beyond every general practitioner who excels in cosmetic and esthetic restorative dentistry, there usually stands a gifted periodontist who shares a similar passion for achieving symmetry and artistry. La Jolla, Calif.-based periodontist Dr. Peter Nordland is among a growing number of doctors within his specialty who have sharpened their focus on achieving optimum esthetics. Here clinical editor Dr. David Hornbrook, who has a close-working referral relationship with Dr. Nordland, explores specific ways GPs and periodontists can deliver better results for patients who are committed to appearance-enhancing treatment.
The Role of Periodontal Plastic Microsurgery in Oral Facial Esthetics
CDA Journal | Vol. 30, No. 11 | November 2002 (831-837) Periodontal plastic microsurgery incorporates the use of a surgical dissecting microscope in an attempt to increase visibility, minimize trauma, and enhance surgical results. This paper will attempt to demonstrate how periodontal plastic surgery utilizing periodontal microsurgery could contribute in the role of soft tissue modification to enhance the smile and ideally allow for improved oral facial esthetics.
Periodontal Plastic Surgery: Esthetic Gingival Regeneration
CDA Journal | November 1989 Regeneration can be accomplished even if root surfaces have been chronically exposed to bacterial endotoxins and calculus. This new attachment recreates the gingival unit with the formation of new cementum and the insertion of connective tissue fibers. Once regeneration is accomplished in the areas of previous recession, minimal sulcus depth can be expected. When total regeneration of the gingival unit can be attained back to the Cemento-Enamel Junction, the root dentinal sensitivity will be eliminated as will be the likelihood of root caries. Additionally, once a more natural gingival architecture can be created then the restorative efforts are made easier to allow a more ideal result to be achieved. Many papers have explained the predictability for root coverage.
Oral Health
SD Health Magazine | Spring 2009 Dr. Nordland was interviewed regarding periodontal disease and treatment by the San Diego Union Tribune.
The Effect of Plaque Control and Root Debridement in Molar Teeth.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Vol. 14 | Pages 223-236 | 1987 Double-Blind research showed the world that molar teeth respond differently than all the other teeth in the mouth. This international journal is one of the most well respected in all of periodontics.
A Classification System for Loss of Papillary Height
Journal of Periodontology Vol. 69 | Pages 1124-1126 | 1998 Doctors Nordland and Tarnow developed the current classification system for loss of the interdental papilla. Their classification system is the most widely used in the world and forms and basis for comparison of different treatment modalities for papilla augmentation.
Tissue Engineering in Dentistry
Clinics in Plastic Surgery Vol. 30, | Pages 621-639 | 2003 In this book discussing tissue engineering in dentistry, Dr. Nordland showed the possibilities for soft tissue regeneration using microsurgical approaches. He showed the value of his own instruments as well as surgical magnification to achieve results never thought possible. He demonstrated multiple cases of oral plastic surgery for this plastic surgical journal
The Dental Microscope:
Why and How Evidence-based Technology and Treatment Periodontics and Dental Microscope S&B Publishing | Pages 37-57 | 2011 Dr. Nordland contributed to the periodontal surgery chapter of the "Dental Microscope: Why and How" book providing clinical photographs of surgical cases and microinstruments that he developed.